Wonderen met woorden – Coach jezelf met logosynthese by Willem Lammers
>> Thursday, October 30, 2014
Logosynthese helpt je om die coach in jezelf te ontdekken en het contact met het eigen, ware Zelf, te herstellen.
Met deze eenvoudige maar doeltreffende methode kun je gericht werken aan het oplossen van alledaagse problemen maar ook diepere levensvragen: Hoe maak ik tijd en energie vrij voor de leuke dingen in het leven? Hoe verbeter ik mijn prestaties en werk ik effciënter? Hoe herken en bereik ik mijn levensdoelen?
Je bevrijdt jezelf van emotionele beschadigingen, verstarde gedachten en vastgeroeste gedragspatronen. Zo kun je je leven fundamenteel veranderen.
Willem Lammers, MSc, DPsych, TSTA, is a chartered clinical and social psychologist, a psychotherapist, and a consultant to people and organisations. He also certified as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA) and as a Doctor in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies at Middlesex University. Since 1987 he has been leading a large training institute for coaching, counselling and supervision, ias AG, now in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland.
In his training, practice and teachings, he spent many years on the interface of body, mind and spirit, in systems like transactional analysis, NLP, the Reconnection, the Monroe Institute, and Energy Psychology. In 2005, as a result of these explorations, Willem discovered Logosynthesis and has been developing and training it ever since.
Willem runs a private practice for psychotherapy, supervision and coaching. His teaching activities are taking him to many countries in Europe and overseas. Willem is the author of five books and numerous articles in the field.
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