If there's one thing I can say about myself, it's that I will never stop learning.
I will never stop asking questions or looking for answers that make rational sense.
I was born and raised in Southern California and was the product of a dysfunctional family. That might sound a little harsh, unless it's put into perspective. Most of us come from dysfunctional families, we just talk about the bad ones, to make ours look a little better.
I probably wasn't much different than most children, growing up in the 1960’s. I had an older brother and a younger sister and we lived, in a single story home, next to a river bed.
If I wasn't at school, playing at a playground or playing sports with my friends, I was either walking my dog or riding my bike, down the river bed. These truly were some of the most memorable times, of my childhood and I had a lot of fun.
It wasn't long before I started to put some of the pieces, of the puzzle together and realized that some of the things, I was taught, weren't true. Then I realized that most of the adults I knew, didn't always know what they were talking about, either.
Around the time I was 15 years old, I realized the world of maybes, possibly and I think. I would ask someone a question and they would respond with,” I think this is what happened or even I know for a fact, it could have happened, “ but that was about it.
This is when I finally accepted the fact, that if someone doesn't know what they're talking about, they will provide us with a perception, of their version, of the possibility, of something that could have happened, but might not have.
By the age of 20, I realized that some of the questions I was asking weren't ever going to be answered, rationally. If I wanted to find the truth, I would need to find it, for myself.
Eventually, I went to work, building homes with my father and became a contractor, at the age of 25. I didn't know it at the time, but I was about to receive an education, on life, that you couldn't get, in school.
I met some of the most fascinating characters, with some of the most fascinating stories and life’s lessons, you could imagine.
I learned a lot from these people about life and hope I never forget them. You can also learn a lot, from people around you, simply by keeping your mouth closed and your ears and eyes open.
It wasn't long before I was married and the father of three children. We did most of the things other families, in our community did and were involved in a wide variety of activities. The P.T.A., children's classrooms, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and eventually Boy Scouts.
However, like all good things, it didn't seem to last and it wasn't long, before my first marriage was over and along with it, one of the biggest mistakes, I ever made.
Within a few years after my divorce, I started to realize that there was more to life than working as a contractor. I no longer felt the urge to build or repair other people's homes and wanted to do more.
I wanted to impact people's lives and make an extraordinary contribution to humanity. That's when I started building websites, making videos for Youtube and writing.
I wanted to share my knowledge with everyone, including people who haven't even been born yet. I have currently written over 30 books and have become an international best-selling author.
I'm remarried to a spectacular woman and still live in Southern California.
My goal is to get people to start thinking about things they believe and do something about it. Just because someone tells you or creates an illusion that they're telling you the truth, doesn't mean, they really are.
Think about it.
Greg is also the best selling international author of more than 30 books.