Behind the Shield of Protection by Andie Renee
>> Wednesday, November 5, 2014
But when she boldly asks the all-masculine, exotically handsome prince, that has effectively disrupted her safe haven, why he is suddenly and quite persistently always present, or always righting her when she stumbles, Prince Malkin Megalos simply shrugs and states that he is making sure his future princess is protected and secure, while his unique eyes keep intently looking her way. What is she supposed to do now? Okay, so maybe she really is only positive about one thing, her consummate love of Jesus. And that is all that matters as she clings to Him and steps forward in blind faith.
I am a former United States Secret Service Special Agent that has fallen deeply in love with Jesus. I write Christian Romance Novels that I hope will provide you with a few hours of enjoyment as well as inspire and encourage you in your own personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. In regards to my first set of books that I am releasing, my Protection Series, each Novel stands alone, and they are based on the United States Secret Service. And they may be really different from what you normally read, but I am hoping that you enjoy the uniqueness and interesting situations that they all find themselves in and how Jesus heals their ways and works in each of their lives. May you always put Him first in all that you do, and deeply know the victory that only He can provide as the Holy Spirit guides you and instructs you in your journey on earth while your heart is held protectively, and securely in the hands of your Abba (Heavenly Father).
May you find that Jesus is truly enough for you. Others may not understand, they may be looking for the "right words" to heal, speak or say, or the "right actions" that will inevitably set people free from bullies, dangerous situations, problems, or the harsh realities of life in this world that they can physically do themselves. But Praise Jesus because of your deepening relationship with Him the Holy Spirit has led you to a place in Him that you find out that He is truly all you need. That He alone can set you and others free, and that His name stands for victory, healing, power, strength, security. Jesus is our only Savior. The only one that can be your true soul mate and lead you into all truth is Jesus, and all by His loving Holy Spirit. You are bridged back to God and may you be stunned that you actually now have the true answer to all of the problems because in you, you hold the "right words" to heal, speak or say, and the "right actions" that will set people free from all negativity because you are holding onto Jesus! May you help others by bringing their focus back to where it needs to be~on Jesus!
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