The Timber-Frame Home: Design, Construction, Finishing - Tedd Benson
>> Saturday, February 15, 2014

Learn to adapt the sturdy elegance of timber-frame construction to the needs of modern life. Hundreds of color photos and drawings showcase the latest designs, methods, and materials.
About the Author
Since 1974, Tedd Benson has championed high-performance, sustainable building. He and his custom design-build company, Bensonwood, have been featured on numerous shows in the PBS series, This Old House, as well as Good Morning America, and the Today show. The entire 2008-2009 season of This Old House followed Bensonwood's Weston project -- the first time TOH featured a newly constructed home. Tedd has authored four seminal books on timberframing, the first of which, Building the Timber Frame House, was instrumental in the revival of this centuries-old form of building with heavy timber. Tedd is an internationally recognized authority on sustainable building and a frequent speaker at such events as Greenbuild. Tedd founded Unity Homes in 2012, a diverse line of affordable, high-performance, prefabricated homes.
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