Historia del Movimiento Ambiental en Puerto Rico by Pedro A Gelabert

>> Wednesday, April 23, 2014

El libro narra el movimiento ambiental en Puerto Rico. Contiene antecedentes históricos y describe eventos impactantes, como los casos del derrame de petróleo del Zoe Colocotronis, estableciendo un precedente legal mundial de costos ambientales y el impacto del bombardeo en Vieques. Describe creación de agencias ambientales, sus ejecutorias y recopila datos, anécdotas y éxitos del movimiento.

Este libro narra el desarrollo del movimiento ambiental en Puerto Rico desde su colonización por las tribus indígenas. Resume el impacto ambiental de las civilizaciones indígenas, españolas y americana sobre el ecosistema tropical de una pequeña isla dotada con limitados recursos naturales. Señala que el impacto ambiental del ser humano sobre el medio ambiente fue insignificante durante la colonización indígena, sufrió con la inmensa desforestación causada por la colonización agrícola española y americana, pero se empeoró con el aumento poblacional e hizo crisis con el gran desarrollo industrial después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

El movimiento ambiental toma forma en Puerto Rico durante la década de 1960 cuando los resientes comienzan a sentir la contaminación del aire, el agua y el terreno. Prácticamente todas las aguas de los ríos de Puerto Rico estaban contaminadas por descargas directas pluviales, sanitarias, comerciales e industriales. Aunque no tan crítica, la contaminación atmosférica arropaba ciertas áreas específicas alrededor de la concentración industrial. Los desechos sólidos se disponían sobre el terreno en áreas de mangle, hondonadas topográficas y cualquier terreno abandonado. Los ciudadanos comenzaron a quejarse y hacer sus lamentos públicos. Se crea un Comité de Ciudadano Sobre los Recursos Naturales y una Comisión Legislativa Sobre Recursos Naturales, Bellezas y Ornato. El accidente del buque cisterna Ocean Eagle derrama petróleo sobre las playas turísticas, las aguas costaneras y la Bahía de San Juan. El impacto devastador del petróleo sobre la vida marina, acuática de los estuarios e humana lleva a la creación de una Subsecretaria de Recursos Naturales en el Departamento de Obras Pública. En 1969, el Consejo Asesor al Gobernador Sobre Programas Gubernamentales recomienda la creación de una Junta de Calidad Ambiental y un Departamento de Recursos Naturales.

El Día del Planeta Tierra y la Ley de Política Pública Ambiental de los Estados Unidos de América tienen repercusiones en Puerto Rico creando la Junta de Calidad en 1970 y el Departamento de Recursos Naturales en 1972. El libro describe en detalle los procesos del movimiento ambiental crear estas agencias ambientales. Seis meses después de la creación de la Junta de Calidad Ambiental se crea la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos. El libro resume reglamentación ambiental federal delegada al gobierno de Puerto Rico. Se desglosa las aportaciones de las organizaciones ambientales al movimiento ambiental. Se las enmiendas a la ley de calidad ambiental y la conservación de los recursos naturales. Se describe el progreso logrado en el manejo de los recursos naturales y control de la contaminación comparándolo con datos científicos recopilados.

Describe el Programa Ambiental de la Naciones Unidas y su desarrollo a través de la Región del Gran Caribe con el Convenio de Cartagena y sus Protocolos para Combatir Derrames de Hidrocarburos, Áreas Especialmente Protegidas y Vida Silvestre y Fuente Terrestres de Contaminación Marina. Relata la participación de Puerto Rico como miembro de la delegación de los Estados Unidos a través en Latino América. Resume los problemas ambientales confrontados mundialmente en el nuevo milenio, incluyendo las limitaciones de los combustibles fósiles, el desarrollo de la energía renovable, la generación de electricidad con plantas nucleares y el cambio climático. El libro concluye con un resumen del estado del ambiente al comenzar el nuevo milenio y hacia donde se debe encaminar a través de un desarrollo económico y ecológico sustentable.

About Pedro A Gelabert


General Information:

Name: Pedro Antonio Gelabert Marqués

Place of Birth: Arecibo, Puerto Rico, U.S.A.


College: Tulane University of Louisiana; New Orleans, Louisiana; Bachelor in Science (Geology) in 1956

Graduate School: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Graduate School towards a Master of Science (Geology) 1960

Professional Experience:

Aug 1956 - Sept. 1959: U.S. Geological Survey; Physical Science Assistant (Geology)

Aug. 1960 - Aug. 1967: Chief Geologist, Engineering Geology Section; P.R. Department of Public Works

Sept. 1967 - Feb. 1968: Technical Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Flood Control & Beach and River Conservation; P.R. Department of Public Works

Mar. 1968 - Mar. 1969: Assistant Director, Ocean Eagle Oil Spill Emergency Office, P.R. Department of Public Works

Mar. 1969 - Dec. 1970: Executive Secretary, Committee on Natural Resources of the Governor Advisory Council; Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

Dec. 1970 - Dec. 1972: Executive Secretary, P.R. Mining Commission, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

Jan. 1973 - Dec. 1976: Executive President, Environmental Services of Puerto.Rico, Inc.

Jan. 1977 - Mar. 1978: Executive Director, Environmental Quality Board, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

Mar. 1978 – Jun. 1984; Chairman, Environmental Quality Board, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico

Jan. 1985 - Sept. 1990: Director, Caribbean Field Office, Region 2; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Oct. 1991 - Dec. 1992: Coordinator for the Wider Caribbean Region; Office of International Activities; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

Jan. 1994 - Dec. 1996: Secretary, P.R. Department of Natural and Environmental Resources

Jan. 1997 - Jan. 2004: Coordinator, Wider Caribbean Region, Office of International Activities, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Washington, D.C.

Jan. 2004 to Present: Consulting Geologists, Puerto Rico Professional License No. PG-1

2006 to Present: Chairman, Board of Directors, Corporation for the Conservation of the san Juan Bay (Environmental Nonprofit Corporation)

2012 to Present: Emeritus Member, Advisory Council, Puerto Rico Conservation Trust Fund (Fideicomiso de Conservación de Puerto Rico)

Special Assignments:

Member of the U.S. delegation to the negotiations related to the Action Plan of the Wider Caribbean Region, United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP); U.S. Committee to Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB); U.S. Delegation to the Summit of the Americas (SOA); and other meetings. Signatory of Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention), Cartagena Columbia, March 21-24, 1983. As member of the U.S. delegation, Chairman of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, and official of US EPA participated in the following international, national and regional meetings:

1. Conference of Experts on Environmental Management and Economic Development of Small Caribbean Islands, Man & the Biosphere (MAB), Bridgetown, Barbados, September 17-21, 1979.

2. First Meeting of Government Nominated Experts to Review Draft Action Plan for the Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, Caracas, Venezuela, January 28 to February 1, 1980.

3. Chairman of the First Meeting of the Small Caribbean Island on Oil Spill Contingency Planning, UNEP, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 16-20, 1980.

4. Second Meeting of Government Nominated Experts to Review the Draft Action Plan for the Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, Managua, Nicaragua, February 23-27, 1981.

4. Chairman, Second Meeting of Designated Experts Meeting to Review Draft on Oil Spill Continency Plan for Caribbean Small Islands, UNEP, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 6-8, 1981.

5. Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environmental Programme, Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, Montego Bay, Jamaica, April 6-8, 1981.

6. Chairman, Workshop of Experts on Regulation and Enforcement for Caribbean Contingency Plans, UNEP, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 11-15, 1982.

7. Second Meeting of Experts on Draft Regional Agreements for the Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, United Nations, New York, July 7-12, 1982.

8. Third Meeting of Experts on Draft Regional Agreements for the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention), UNEP, Cartagena, Columbia, March 14-18, 1983.

9. Workshop of Interoceanic Experts on Sustainable Development, MAB, Palmas del Mar, Humacao, Puerto Rico, November 3-7 1986.

10. Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan of the Caribbean Environmental Programme, UNEP, Kingston, Jamaica, January 17-18, 1990.

11. First Meeting of Expert on Draft Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife, UNEP, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, 1991

12. Workshop of Experts on Island Ecoturism: A Development Tool, MAB, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 26-28, 1992.

13. Meeting of Experts on Water Quality Standards, UNEP, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

14. Second Meeting of Experts on Draft Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife, Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, Mexico City, Mexico.

15. First Meeting of Experts on Draft Protocol on Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution, Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, Veracruz, Mexico.

16. Chairman, Meeting of Experts on Draft Protocol on Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution in the Wider Caribbean Region, UNEP, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

17. United Nations Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Caribbean Island States, UNEP, Bridgetown, Barbados, April 25 - May 6, 1994.

18 Interamerican Meeting of National Councils for Sustainable Development, Earth Council, San José, Costa Rica, November 23, 1994.

19. Meeting of Experts, Summit of the Americas, Miami, Florida, December 9-11, 1994

20. Meeting of Experts on the Implications for the Territories for the United Stares of the Implementation of the Law of the Sea, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 9-11, 1995.

21. Chairman, Meeting of Experts on the Summit of the Americas, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 6-8, 1995.

22. Public Policy on Sustainable Development for Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, Administrative Order of the Secretary No. 96-08, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 8, 1996.

23. Chairman, Meeting of Experts on the Elimination of Lead in the Gasoline, Summit of the Americas, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 4-6, 1998.

24. Member of the Policy Committee (1993-96) and Chairman, Management Committee (1996-2003), San Juan Bay Estuary Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

Principal Awards:

1. Hammer Award for the Intergovernmental Real Estate Disposition Team, National Performance Review, Office of the U.S. Vice-President, 1997.

2. Environmental Citizen for the Millennium, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, San Juan, Puerto Rico June 5, 1999.

3. Gold Medal for Exceptional Service for Outstanding Contributions to the Conclusion of an Unprecedented International Agreement for the Protection of the Marine Environment in the Wider Caribbean Region, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 2000.

4. Environmental Award for Outstanding Service to the Dominican Republic, Institute of Engineers, Architects and Surveyor of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, January 12, 2002.

5. Dixie Lee Ray Award of the American Society of MechanicaL Engineers (ASME) for 40 years of environmental stewardship in the Caribbean and Latin America; Anaheim, California, November 2004.

6. Professional Geologist License No 1; Puerto Rico Department of State, San Juan, Puerto Rico


1. Member of the Directorate on Caribbean Islands, U.S. National Committee of Man and the Biosphere (MAB-7); U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, Washington, D.C.,1978 to 1984.

2. Member of the Advisory Council to the Center of Energy and Environmental Research of the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan. 1976 to Dec.1984.

3. Member, Puerto Rico Academy of Arts and Sciences, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1972 to present.

4. Member and Fellow Member, Geological Society of America, Denver , Colorado, April 8, 1957 to Present.

5. Member, Puerto Rico Examining Board of Professional Geologists, 1996 to 2000.

6. Member of the EPSCR State Committee on Research in Puerto Rico, Central Administration, University of puerto Rico, Facundo Bueso Bldg. 3rd Floor, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, 1993 to Present.

7. Member, Consultive Council on Environmental Protection, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, San Juan Puerto Rico, Chairman 1993-1996 and Member 1996 to 2000.

8. Member of Subcommittee on Research and Development for the 1972 publication of Puerto Rico and the Sea, Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico, 1970 to 1972.

9. Member of Coordinating Committee and Chairman of Subcommittee on Coastal Zone Management for the 1999 publication of Puerto Rico and the Sea; Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1972 to 1999.

9. Member, Council on Natural Patrimony, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1996 to 2000.

10. Member, Board of Directors of Puerto Rico Mineral Resources Development Corporation, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1996 to 2000.

11. Chairman, Board of Directors, Corporation for the Conservation of the San Juan Estuary

12. : Emeritus Member of the Advisory Council of the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust Fund (Fideicomiso de Conservación de Puerto Rico)

Some Publications:

1. A.O. Perry and P.A. Gelabert (1963); Construction-Material Resources of the Carolina Quadrangle, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull No. 1,.

2. R.P. Briggs and P.A. Gelabert (1962) Preliminary Report of the Geology of the Barranquitas Quadrangle, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey, Misc. Inv. Bull. Map I-336, Washington, D.C.

3. M Soriano and P.A. Gelabert (1963); Construction-Material Resources of the Bayamón Quadrangle, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No. 3..

4. P.A. Gelabert, R.M. Alonso and A.O. Perry (1964) Geology of the Tunnel and Reservoir Sites for the Guanajibo River Development Project: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No. 4.

5. P.A. Gelabert (1964); Construction-Material Resources of the San Juan Quadrangle, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No.6.

6. P.A. Gelabert (1964); Engineering Geology of Highway No. 2 Between Aguadilla and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No. 8.

7. P.A. Gelabert and R.M. Alonso (1965); San Resources of Northeastern Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No. 9.

8. P.A. Gelabert (Chairman) and others (1966); Report of the Committee of the Status of the Geological Science in Puerto Rico: Geological Society of Puerto Rico, San Juan, P.R.

9. P.A. Gelabert and E. Blest (1967); Construction-Material Resources for the Portugués River Dam, Ponce, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No.12.

10. P.A. Gelabert, e. Blest and L.A. Hyman (1968); Construction-Material Resources of the Río Grande Quadrangle, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works, Geol. Inv. Bull. No. 12.

11. P.A. Gelabert (1968); Engineering Geologic Map of the Caribbean Region: Proceedings of the Caribbean Geological Conference, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.

12. P.A. Gelabert (1969), Engineering Geology of Highway No. 2 Between Aguadilla and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: Bulletin of the Puerto Rico Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. IV, No. 2.

13. P.A. Gelabert (1973); Environmental Geology Applied to Puerto Rico: Bulletin of the Puerto Rico Academy of Arts and Science, Vol. IX, No. 3 & 4.

14. P.A. Gelabert (1974); Comparative Environmental Study of Alternate Sites for a Deep Water Port and Petroleum Refinery in Puerto Rico; Environmental Services of Puerto Rico, Inc. for Puerto Rico Economic Development Administration.

15. P.A. Gelabert (1975); Posibilidades de Yacimientos de Petróleo en Puerto Rico (Possibilities of Petroleum Deposits in Puerto Rico), El Mundo, San Juan, P.R., 9 de julio de 1975.

16. P.A. Gelabert (2004); Origen de Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Patrimonio Cultural y Natural; Grupo de Gas Natural SDG, S.A., Barcelona, España.

17. P.A. Gelabert (2007); Posibilidades de Gas y Petróleo en Puerto Rico (Possibilities of Gas and Petroleum in Puerto Rico): XXVI Natural and Environmental Resources Symposium, San Juan, P.R., October 24, 2007.

Unpublished Reports:

1. P.A. Gelabert and R. Cruz Pérez (1968) Coastal Erosion Processess of Ensenada de Boca Vieja, Cataño and Toa Baja, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works.

2. P.A. Gelabert and L. Vázquez (1969) Hydrogeologic Study of Boca del Moro, San Juan, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works.

3. P.A. Gelabert and L. Váquez (1969): Hydrogeologic Study of Marina Palo Seco, Cataño, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works.

4. P.A. Gelabert (1970); Hydrogeologic Study of Villa Marina, Fajardo, Puerto Rico: P.R. Department of Public Works.

5. P.A. Gelabert (1970): Hydrogeologic Study of Ensenada Comezón, Río Grande, Puerto Rico: P.R.Public Service Commission.

6. R. Cruz Pérez and P.A. Gelabert (1970): Bathimetric Study at Punta Miquillos and Ensenada Comezón, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico: P.R. Public Service Commission.

7. R. Cruz Pérez and Gelabert (1970): Current Study for Sewer Ocean Out-fall at Guayama-Arroyo Coast: P.R. Department of Public Works.

8. R. Cruz Pérez and Gelabert (1970): Oceanographic Study of Bahía Jobos for Aguirre Electric Power Plant: P.R. Electric Power Authority.

9. P.A. Gelabert; History of the Environmental Movement of Puerto Rico.

Presentations and Speeches:

1. A Look into the Future, Seminar on Twenty Years of Environmental Law in Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, April 4, 1990.

2. Assimilative Capacity of Municipal Services, Third International Symposium of Tourism, Ecology and Municipality, Mazatlán, México, September 2, 1993.

3. Sustainable Development Policy for Puerto Rico, Seminar on Environment and Sustainable Development, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, San Juan, Puerto Rico June 5, 1996.

4. Response and Acceptance of the Challenge, First International Workshop on Sustainable Development for Puerto Rico, First Environmental Fair, Turabo University, Gurabo, Puerto Rico, May 8, 1997

5. Introduction to the Concept of Pollution Prevention, Second Regional Congress for North America and the Caribbean, AIDIS, Hotel San Juan & Casino, Carolina, Puerto Rico, June 7-8, 1997.

6. The Water We Use: A Strategy for Clean Water in Hispanic Communities, Twelve National Conference on Hispanic Health and Health Services, Hyatt Regency Cerromar Beach Hotel, Vega Alta, Puerto Rico June 10-13, 1998.

7. National Environmental Authority, Venezuela’s Consulting Enterprises Chamber, Second Forum on Environment and Politics, Caracas Venezuela, April 13-14, 1999.

8. Natural Resources Geographic Information System for Caribbean Islands, Institute of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 10, 1999.

9. Our Environmental Agenda: Facing the New Millennium, Annual Assembly of Environmental Health Professionals, Hotel El Faro, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico July 30, 1999.

10. Environmental Agenda Facing the New Millennium, COTICAM Environmental Forum, Bayamón Central University, Bayamón Puerto Rico, January 27, 2000.

11. Water Quality Criteria for Coastal Waters: Managing Beaches of Puerto Rico; an Investment in Our Future, Sea Grant Program, University of Puerto Rico, May 23-24, 2000.

12. An Eco-Sustainable Development for Puerto Rico, Third Environmental Fair, Turabo, University, March 20-21, 2002; and many others important publications and speeches.

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