Just Kidding: Stories and Reflections on Goats Giving Birth by Deborah Niemann
>> Friday, February 27, 2015
Since 2006, Deborah Niemann has been chronicling the births of goats on Antiquity Oaks Farm. In this ebook, she retells some of those stories and honestly discusses what went well and what didn't, what should have been done differently and what would not have mattered. You'll read 17 stories of goat births, from normal to tragic, including two c-sections.There is nothing about goat ownership that creates more anticipation, excitement, frustration, and fear than birthing. It’s wonderful to walk into the barn one morning and see a couple of kids bouncing around and nursing. But it feels like you’ve been punched in the stomach when you walk in and see a distressed doe or a dead or malformed kid. If you’ve never seen a goat give...