Just Kidding: Stories and Reflections on Goats Giving Birth by Deborah Niemann

>> Friday, February 27, 2015

Since 2006, Deborah Niemann has been chronicling the births of goats on Antiquity Oaks Farm. In this ebook, she retells some of those stories and honestly discusses what went well and what didn't, what should have been done differently and what would not have mattered. You'll read 17 stories of goat births, from normal to tragic, including two c-sections.There is nothing about goat ownership that creates more anticipation, excitement, frustration, and fear than birthing. It’s wonderful to walk into the barn one morning and see a couple of kids bouncing around and nursing. But it feels like you’ve been punched in the stomach when you walk in and see a distressed doe or a dead or malformed kid. If you’ve never seen a goat give...

Life Lessons from Motorcycles – Where the Road Meets Spirit by Liz Jansen

>> Thursday, February 26, 2015

A compilation of the twelve individual Life Lessons from Motorcycle books.Drawn from hundreds of thousands of miles of riding over more than four decades, the 900 life lessons are highly personal, timeless, and often repeated in creative ways. The true beauty of motorcycles, as any rider knows, is that they connect you with Spirit and ultimately with yourself.Where the Road Meets Spirit is a compilation of the twelve individual Life Lessons from Motorcycle books.Bring together a motorcycle and rider and alchemy is inevitable. Not only does each partner unite and become as one, the merger is transformative, creating a new state of being. One is transported from the past to the magic and timelessness of present moment.The lessons motorcycles...

Simplified Stair Building by Greg Vanden Berge

If you looking for a step-by-step instruction booklet on building stairs, you're in the right place. We took stair building to the next level by adding plenty of easy to follow illustrations, tips and pictures.That's not all though, I'm going to provide you with lots of of free videos, articles, pictures and access to a website, that's devoted almost entirely to building stairs.If you're looking for a complicated book that will teach you how to build circular, curved, bracket type or any other type of stairway that would require complicated mathematical formulas, this isn't the book, for you.Simple and easy, not complicated and difficult. Building stairs isn't as difficult as some...

Angel in the Badlands by Bianca D'Arc

Zeke crash lands on a desert planet. Angela finds him unconscious, and takes him below ground for treatment. Angela’s people are hiding from humanity’s enemies, but now it’s a race to see who’ll get there first - Zeke’s reinforcements, or the aliens. Note: This novella was previously published under the title “Ezekiel” and has been substantially revised for this new edition.Is she an apparition or is she real?Crash landing on an uncharted planet, Ezekiel Amber sets out across a desert, looking for help. What he finds is salvation in the form of a woman.Angela finds the handsome, unconscious man and takes him below ground, where the heat of the desert does not reach. She nurses him back to health, trying hard to ignore the attraction between...

Home Collection by Cardeno C

>> Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Home collection - where finding love brings you home.Read them all in one book!He Completes MeHome AgainJust What the Truth IsThe One Who Saves MeWhere He Ends & I BeginWalk With MeThe Home collection - where finding love brings you home.He Completes MeNot even his mother’s funeral can convince self-proclaimed party boy Zach Johnson to tone down his snark or think about settling down. He is who he is, and he refuses to change for anyone. When straight-laced, compassionate Aaron Paulson claims he’s falling for him, Zach is certain Aaron sees him as another project, one more lost soul for the idealistic Aaron to save. But Zach doesn’t need to be fixed and he refuses to be with someone who sees him as broken.Word Count: 94,711Home AgainImposing,...

Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson

>> Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Models is the first book ever written on seduction as an emotional process rather than a logical one, a process of connecting with women rather than impressing them. It's the most mature and honest guide on how a man can attract women without faking behavior, without lying and without emulating others. A game-changer. Tweet Share on Google+ Save this on Delicious About Mark MansonMark Manson is from Austin, Texas, USA and graduated from Boston University in 2007. He began coaching men informally that same year, taking them out to local bars and helping them approach attractive women.Mark founded Practical Pick Up in 2008 and has since worked with hundreds of men in 12 different countries and four different continents. He’s...

The Prodigal Writes From His Heart by Bob Steinkamp

Are you just beginning your journey toward marriage restoration or have you been on this journey for some time? You will be blessed and encouraged by the daily devotionals written through the years, by former prodigal, Bob Steinkamp. Bob will answer many of your questions.Are you just beginning your journey toward marriage restoration or have you been on this journey for some time? You will be blessed and encouraged by the daily devotionals written through the years, by former prodigal, Bob Steinkamp. Bob will answer many of your questions. Bob writes devotionals from personal experience and shares from his heart the feelings and emotions of having a relationship with another woman, while his wife was praying for him to turn his heart to the...

Sixty Words or Phrases Commonly Misused by ESL/EFL Students Preparing for Universities by Kenneth Cranker

>> Saturday, February 21, 2015

This book is for classroom or individual study for students who need to clean up their grammar at the word level in preparation for university-level academic writing. It presents 60 words or phrases that are problematic for advanced non-native students of English, exposing the errors, explaining them, and providing examples of correct usage and opportunities to practice writing.This book is intended for classroom or individual study for students who need to clean up their grammar at the word level in preparation for university-level academic writing. It presents 60 words or phrases that are frequently problematic for advanced non-native students of English, exposing the errors, explaining them, and providing examples of correct usage. The most...
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