Soul Dead And Green Eyes – A Kellaran Fantasy – Metric Measurements Edition by Wayne Edward Clarke

>> Sunday, April 5, 2015

He was a 13 year old boy, she was a 16 year-old elf.. Both of their families were killed by an evil army. They knew they would probably die if they sought vengeance, but they had nothing else to live for.

This is the first fantasy novel that I've written for most fantasy fans. My previous ones are well-loved, but they're not the usual fantasies. Anyone who likes fantasy should love this book!

He was a human boy almost thirteen years old, she was a sixteen-year-old elf with barely enough magic to lift an apple. Both of their families were killed by an evil army, commanded by an evil king. They knew they would probably die if they sought vengeance against such an overwhelming force of enemies, but they had nothing else to live for.

This is the first fantasy novel that I've written for the majority of fantasy fans. My previous fantasies are well-loved by my fans, but they are very unusual compared to most fantasies, and some fantasy fans objected. But anyone who likes fantasy should love this book!

Uses Metric (SI) units of Measurement. There is also a USA (Standard units) edition available.

About Wayne Edward Clarke

Over the last fifteen years I've spent most of my intellectual and creative energies in writing sciences fiction and fantasy novels. I’ve been a hard sci-fi fan my whole life, but everyone else I know who’s an avid reader are all fantasy fans. Over the years I’ve borrowed all their books, and learned to love that genre as well.

My science fiction influences include the old masters; Heinlein, Asimov, Niven, Bradbury, Clarke, etc. Also William Gibson, Iain M. Banks, and Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. My favorite relatively unknown author is Daniel Keyes Moran, and if you like sci-fi you should read his Continuing Time trilogy; Emerald Eyes, The Long Run, and The Last Dancer. They might be out of print, but I think you can still get them as ebooks online.

My fantasy influences include Raymond E. Feist, David Eddings, and Jaqueline Carey.

I was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on Sept 21, 1963. I'm estranged from my father, having met him one since I was a toddler. I've lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada since 1980. I have three brothers and a sister. My sister is married, she and her husband each have two grown sons. All of us and my mother live in Calgary and are quite close.

I'm intensely and compulsively self-educated, I read at about 300 words per minute, and I've increased my IQ to about 160.

I've always enjoyed inventing and designing machines. Most of the machines I've designed are new types of vehicles.

I was a professional musician for about nine years. My musical skills include lead and harmony vocals, most styles of guitar and bass guitar, some drums and keyboards, songwriting, mixing, and production.

I spent about fifteen years researching and designing a comprehensive change in society and culture that will solve all the world’s major problems, guided by the principles of bio-sociology as introduced and developed by Prof. Edward O. Wilson, and influenced by Dr. Desmond Morris’ human sociobiology. I haven't worked on it like a fanatic over the last eight years like I did for the previous fifteen, but I have continued to develop my work in this field.

I’ve also been influenced as a fiction writer by my sociological work, and my science fiction novel People Of The Tiger (and the rest of The Rational Future Series) is set in a utopian future where my social policies have been implemented, which is a good way to get those ideas out into the public consciousness.

Much of my social thinking permeates my fantasy novel Blessings Of A Curse as well, though it’s a lot harder to notice there. I’ve also included my ideas on the law and legal reform in that book, though those policies were appended to the back of the book in an excerpt, for the sake of smooth readability.

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