The Heart of Abundance: A Simple Guide to Appreciating and Enjoying Life by Candy Paull

>> Saturday, March 8, 2014

NEW UPDATED Second Edition Fall 2013

Improved formatting

The Heart of Abundance is a free “best of” collection. Discover more abundance, encouragement, and simplicity in your life. Quotes, meditations, prayers, and instant inspiration help you create a life you enjoy and enjoy the life you have. New second edition features additional excerpts and material from new books by Candy Paull.

This inspirational guide reminds you that life can be good, no matter what challenges you may be facing right now. Be present, see the divine at work in all circumstances, and experience ordinary life as sacred. Learn to practice the art of abundance as a form of spiritual awareness based in gratitude.

The Heart of Abundance offers selections from books by Candy Paull, including The Art of Abundance, The Translucent Heart, The Art of Simplicity, and Finding Serenity in Seasons of Stress.

Topics include:

The Wisdom of the Body

Serene Spirit: Meditation and Mindfulness

Saying Good-Bye: Loss, Death, Rebirth

Create Something That Satisfies Your Soul

Welcome Divine Appointments

See Your Life as a Sacred Journey

Be Open to the Great Mystery

Live in the Presence of Abundance

Say No to Fear, Say Yes to Life

Celebrate the Abundant Life

The Optimist’s Choice

Soup for the Soul, Tea for the Spirit

Celebrate the Simple Things

Essentials of the Heart

Clearing Clutter: Releasing That Which No Longer Serves

Spiritual Magnificence

Fear is the Poison, Love is the Antidote

Candy Paull’s writing is the readable equivalent of Earl Grey tea, steeped in a pot, and served in your grandmother's china. That is: it warms you through and through.

Victoria Moran, bestselling author of Creating a Charmed Life

Includes excerpts from:

Finding Serenity in Seasons of Stress: offers practical help that addresses the outward symptoms of stress and tension, and encourages you to examine the root causes, which are spiritual in nature. Tap into the wisdom of the body for healing and stress relief.

Explore practices that offer an antidote to the frustration and stress of modern life, and a deeper perspective on inner serenity

The Translucent Heart: Inspired Choices for Challenging Times offers sixty-one meditations to encourage the heart in the midst of stress and challenges, reminding you that your choices and attitudes can transform a day—and a life. Includes a cornucopia of quotations from different times, cultures, and spiritual traditions about what it means to cultivate the interior life.

Inner Abundance: Affirmations for Confidence, Creativity, and Higher Consciousness

offers meditations, quotes, and affirmations that remind you that true abundance is available every day, no matter what you may be going through.

The Art of Abundance: A Simple Guide to Discovering Life’s Treasures offers a combination of inspirational thoughts and practical action steps that remind you to embrace the gifts life offers you right now.

The Art of Encouragement: A Simple Guide to Living Life from the Heart offers a combination of inspirational thoughts, quotes, and practical action steps help you live mindfully, break through fear, and keep a positive attitude through the challenges and changes of life.

The Art of Simplicity: A Simple Guide to Focusing on the Essentials of the Heart

Inspiring quotes, and meditations encourage you to order your priorities around what matters most. Discover inspirational resources to help you make more room in your life for the joys of simple living and simply being alive.

There is a great gift when we realize that the journey of life is guided by our willingness to believe in ourselves and know that with God, all things are possible. This kind of abundance cannot be measured, only celebrated. Candy Paull’s wonderful words of wisdom will remind you of a simple yet profound truth: The journey to claim your abundance begins within.

Rev. Donna Michael, recording artist, forgiveness coach, speaker

About Candy Paull

Candy Paull is the author of The Art of Simplicity, The Art of Abundance, The Art of Encouragement, Christmas Abundance, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, 31 Days of Abundance, Inner Abundance, and other books.

Candy is a freelance writer who has owned her own business since 1990, specializing in marketing materials for book publishers. She is a published songwriter and performer who makes her home in Nashville, Tennessee.

Candy's retreats and speaking engagements offer ways to enjoy a more creative and abundant life. There is something inside each of us that is trustworthy, whole, and wise. Instead of always trying to "fix" what is "broken" in our lives, Candy Paull helps us experience the profound wholeness that lies at the center of the universe--and in our own human hearts.

Price: Free!

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