Old Souls: The Sages and Mystics of Our World by Aletheia Luna
>> Sunday, November 30, 2014
Existing as the perpetual outsiders in society, Old Souls are the teachers, counsellors, philosophers and oracles of humanity. They are both in the world, but are not quite of the world at the same time, passing through life on their own solitary paths. In this book, writer and researcher Aletheia Luna provides a compact, elegant and well-researched look into the life of Old Souls.Have you always felt older than what your age reflects? Are you solitary, thoughtful and intuitive? Do you feel like an outsider constantly looking into a society that doesn't feel like your home? If so, you may be an Old Soul. In this concise and elegantly written book, writer, researcher and Old Soul Aletheia Luna explores the uncharted waters of the old...