The Five Demons You Meet In Hell by Timothy Carter

>> Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Boston Lefebvre, school bully and all around jerk, dies and finds himself in Hell. He must face five Demons, who will confront him with his worst sins. Boston's spiritual rehabilitation leads to an adventure involving Demons, Imps, Scourges, assassins, molten lava, and the two worst people from his life. Oh, and pain. Lots and lots of pain!Boston Lefebvre, school bully and all around jerk, dies and finds himself in Hell. Not the fire and brimstone place he’d expected, Boston discovers Hell to be a centre for forced spiritual rehabilitation. Each damned soul must face five demons, who in turn will confront them with their five worst sins.Boston is less than enthusiastic about the process, especially when he discovers he’s being punished...

Wrath of Flames (Book 2 of the Spirit Guide Saga) by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

>> Sunday, September 28, 2014

After the last battle that Ethan lost his best friend and unleashed power never seen before, something is changing him. He's growing, becoming stronger physically and his power is intensifying frighteningly fast. His angel is worried about what is happening. No one seems to know why, but a dark force has taken advantage of his accomplishment and is making a move to rule supreme.After the last battle that Ethan lost his best friend and unleashed power never seen before, something is changing him. He's growing, becoming stronger physically and his power is intensifying frighteningly fast. His angel is worried about what is happening. No one seems to know why, but a dark force has taken advantage of his accomplishment and is...

Economics for Smart Citizenship by Mikel Cohick

This book helps people understand the economics that affect them in their daily lives: learning, working, earning, future planning, running a business, penetrating the macroeconomic fog of the media and politicians, and being good citizens. It describes the decision-making process as people try to better themselves and how to set up a society for maximum betterment of its citizens.Originating as a book for a one-semester course, it is designed for the general reader who is interested in knowing how his or her daily life is affected by economics. The book starts with the basics of good decision making and how a society can be organized to best serve its citizens. It emphasizes that, in order to make yourself better off, it is necessary to make...

Shana Tova! High Holiday Recipes from Ninety Years of the Jewish Transcript and JTNews by Joel Magalnick

>> Saturday, September 27, 2014

In celebration of the 90th anniversary of Seattle's Jewish Transcript, we have compiled every High Holiday recipe that has appeared in our newspaper over the years.With 2014 marking the celebration of 90 years of publication of the Jewish Transcript, the Pacific Northwest's oldest and longest publishing Jewish community newspaper, we decided to take a look back at our history to help you create your High Holiday menu. What you have on your digital reading device is every single High Holiday recipe published in the Jewish Transcript and JTNews (as it's now called) since 1924. As you'll see, there are plenty of years where we published no recipes at all (what on earth did people eat if they didn't...

What I'd Teach Your Horse by Keith Hosman

>> Friday, September 26, 2014

If you broke your horse to saddle and rode it for the first time today, this book is where you'd start tomorrow. Likewise, if you have an older horse that needs re-training, you'd start here. This book is a roadmap to building the foundation every horse needs, regardless of age, breed or background, regardless the type of riding for which it will eventually be used.Question: "I just bought a horse. What do I do now?"Answer: "Buy my book, 'What I'd Teach Your Horse.'"If I had a dollar for every email I get asking "what to do" to make a riding horse out of the mare Uncle Emo just traded for the old RV - or how to retrain a horse that's grown rusty - or some version on either theme, I'd...

Zombie Fallout 8 – An Old Beginning by Mark Tufo

>> Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mike and his family escaped a vast zombie horde to find themselves imprisoned by a clandestine group that seeks global domination by the most nefarious means possible. Help is coming, in the form of a 500 year old Pop-Tart loving vampire named Tommy. Will he be enough to get the Talbots to freedom or will he succumb to monsters new and old?Mike and his family escaped a vast zombie horde to find themselves imprisoned by a clandestine group that seeks global domination by the most nefarious means possible. Help is coming, in the form of a 500 year old Pop-Tart loving vampire named Tommy. Will he be enough to get the Talbots to freedom or will he succumb to monsters new and old? On top of all this Mike discovers that he is in the crosshairs of...

Jaram: The Final Journey by Graeme Bourke

Having taken her revenge for the death of her parents Mica crosses the seas to Jaram where she follows the clues in the book of fairy tales in hope they will lead her to her grandmother. In doing so she becomes involved in a war between three brothers fighting for the kingship. The war, the sword and the book of fairy tales all shape her final destiny.About Graeme BourkeIn 1985 Graeme took up fly fishing in Tasmania and during this journey he kept a diary which was used to produce his first non-fiction book "Come Fly Fish With Me." He then completed a correspondence course on writing and began writing articles for sporting and travel magazines. In 2008 he published his second book on fishing "If Only The World Would Go Fishing." His main ambition...

Golden Referrals. 32 Ways to Market Your Natural Therapy Business by Jayne Bryson

>> Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My name is Jayne Bryson ND and I've ran a successful six figure naturopathic business for over 10 years. I've put down the secrets to my success in my last book 'Building Your Ideal Practice'. Now I'd like to share with you my new book 'Golden Referrals. 32 Ways to Market Your Natural Therapy Business'. My book shares 32 practical steps that you can implement right now to find and keep new clientsMy name is Jayne Bryson ND and I've ran a successful six figure naturopathic business for over 10 years. I've put down the secrets to my success in my last book 'Building Your Ideal Practice'. Now I'd like to share with you my new book 'Golden...

Fifty Ways to Practice Writing: Tips for ESL/EFL Students by Dorothy Zemach

>> Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This book is made for students of English as a Second or Foreign Language. You will learn 50 ways to practice and improve writing – both with pen and paper and typing. By applying these methods, you will write more, write faster, and write more correct and more interesting papers and lettersThis book is made for students of English as a Second or Foreign Language.Learning another language is never fast, but the Fifty Ways to Practice series will speed things up by showing you how to practice more efficiently and effectively both inside and outside the classroom. These books can be used by beginners and advanced students alike.You will learn 50 ways to practice and improve writing – both with pen and paper and typing. By applying these methods,...

Love is Enough by Cindy Rizzo

When Angie Antonelli and Jan Clifford are set up on a blind date, the chemistry is immediate, but each wonders if she can fit into the other’s world. Can the politician who fights for the little guy make things work with the financier who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth? Is the intense connection they feel enough? Only hopeless romantics believe that love is enough. Right?Angie Antonelli has the life she’s always wanted—a promising political career, a supportive family, and great friends. The one thing missing is what she hoped she’d have by now, a committed relationship with the woman of her dreams.Jan Clifford has been taking a break from dating while she figures out how to create a life that is more fulfilling than the country...

EQ-i 2.0 Quick Guide to Emotional Intelligence – The Scales and Subscales, Connections and Commentary With a Dash of Mindfulness and Neuroscience by Steve Whiteford

>> Monday, September 22, 2014

Leadership Consultant/Trainer, Steve Whiteford, offers short but pithy perspectives on the Scales and Subscales of the Emotional Intelligence assessment: EQ-i 2.0. Certified practitioners and enthusiasts alike will benefit from his short takes with training recommendations, thoughts on the cohesive connections through the model, personal revelations, and citings from neuroscience and mindfulness.Emotional Intelligence has been scientifically recognized as a leading factor in personal, organizational and societal success for well over twenty years. The term was made popular by Daniel Goleman in his seminal best-seller - Emotional Intelligence (1995). Of course, a study of ancient philosophy and religion will reveal extensive reference to many...

Better Proposals Yield Better Wins! by Howard Nevin

The book addresses the top problems firms have in simple-to-complex proposal efforts -- even sole-source offers. It includes explanations of how and why the problems occur, examples, and tips on how to prevent or mitigate those problems, use resources better, and consistently get better wins.“Better Proposals Yield Better Wins!” offers up 42 Tips on how to improve your proposal efforts. It contains rock solid and winning proposal-proven recommendations for improving your proposal efforts, as well as identifying and mitigating or preventing the most commonly encountered problems. Howard has served as business developer, capture manager, proposal manager, and in other roles on proposals, as well as proposal “doctor” -- in one case salvaging a...

Manipolazione Mentale Cap1 by fantasias80

La comunicazione non verbale mette nelle condizioni di generare empatiafra due persone e quindi aumentare le possibilità di successo dellarelazioni a prescindere dalla natura del rapporto, quindi che si tratti dirapporti di lavoro, amore ecc...Comprendere il significato dei comportamenti non verbali di chi cista di fronte può avvantaggiarci notevolmente nei rapporti sociali, questoperché in un certo qual modo ci permette di “pilotare” la conversazionee il nostro comportamento in modo da identificare, soffermarci eampliare gli argomenti o le azioni che ci rendiamo conto procuranopiacere; oppure cambiare argomento o comportamento perché ci stiamorendendo conto che quello che stiamo dicendo o facendo non va adincontrare l’approvazione del nostro...

Building Your Ideal Practice – The Holistic Guide to Building Your Own Successful Natural Therapy Business by Jayne Bryson

>> Sunday, September 21, 2014

This is the essential guidebook for any naturopath, acupuncturist, homeopath, massage therapist or integrative practitioner who wants to get the business side of their practice absolutely right. Jayne Bryson ND distills the secrets of her own success into this must have reference book.My name is Jayne Bryson ND and I've ran a successful six figure naturopathic business for over 10 years. I've put down the secrets to my success in my book 'Building Your Ideal Practice'. Let me be your coach, guide and mentor and show you how to 'Build Your Ideal Practice'. Right now, there has never been a better time to be a natural healthcare practitioner. More and more people are being trained as natural...

Il Condominio by fantasias80

Lo scopo di questo manuale pratico, è quello di dare un agile strumento di consultazione per tutti coloro che hanno a che fare con il condominio, sia condòmini che amministratori, ma può essere un valido aiuto per chi, professionalmente ( Avvocati, Commercialisti, Architetti, Geometri, Agenzie di mediazione immobiliare, Amministratori di condominio ecc.) opera in questo campo.About fantasias80Mi piace tanto la lettura ma mi piace di piu' scrivere.Price: $36.95 USD First 10% Sample: epub mobi (Kindle) lrf...

The Key To Your Car by Dominic Vinci

A simple consumer's guide to operating, maintaining & optimizing your vehicle. This book covers the information you don't know, always wondered about & wished you could ask an expert. Everything from what the warning lights mean on your dashboard to how to jump-start a car is discussed. Written in easy to understand terms, it is just the information you need to feel confident about your car.The Key to Your Car is a simple consumer's guide to operating, maintaining and optimizing your vehicle. This book covers the information you do not know, always wondered about and wished you could ask an expert. Everything from what the warning lights mean on your dashboard to how to jump-start a car is discussed. Written...

The Baddest Virgin in Texas by Maggie Shayne

>> Saturday, September 20, 2014

Jessi Brand always gets what she wants. And what she wants is part time ranch hand, part time deputy, and full time hunk, Lash Monroe. Unfortunately, her five big (really big) brothers have other ideas. And so does Lash, who had his fill of large families and overbearing “brothers” during his childhood in foster care. He’s a loner and a drifter and he intends to stay that way.Jessi Brand always gets what she wants. And what she wants is part time ranch hand, part time deputy, and full time hunk, Lash Monroe. Unfortunately, her five big (really big) brothers have other ideas. And so does Lash, who had his fill of large families and overbearing “brothers” during his childhood in foster care. He’s a loner and a drifter and he intends to stay that...

Rooming With Ash by Zee King

"Why did you change?” I asked.“Because of this girl I met who loves running from the cops with me. She's pretty damn awesome.”I blushed as I looked up at him. “I think you’re a bad influence.”“And I think you like it.”**One summer in Hawaii is all it takes to change Keira Sullivan's life.Rooming with the notorious hottie, Ash Moretti, is going to make this a summer to remember.About Zee KingHello it's Zee from wattpad, for more information about me, go here: Zee King's Smashwords Interview Price: $3.99 USD First 23% Sample: epub mobi (Kindle) lrf...

Heal With Food – Food Farmocopoeia by Debbie Pannowitz

>> Friday, September 19, 2014

This book, written by a practicing nutritionist, covers over 100 conditions seen regularly in her clinic. It guides the reader on what to eat as well as what to limit or perhaps avoid altogether. The focus is generally on what positive steps can be taken rather than a more negative approach of listing foods to avoid.This book is so much more than helping people with their diet. It is a resource to help all people everywhere get the most from their pantry and use foods for their medicincal properties. Over 100 conditions are listed alphabetically in the book for very quick referencing. It has found its uses in the kitchen but also on the desk of many practitioners. The appendices are comprehensive to cover more specific diet types. This edition...

The Art of Braiding Bread by Roberto von Krammer

If you thought braiding dough was uncomplicated or straightforward you would not be looking at these lines now. In the book we start with the most basic of braids, the one with 3 strands, and then progressively go up to any number of them, with practical step by step description of the process. The book is eminently visual, illustrated with 541 diagram enhanced pictures and 9 videos.If you thought braiding dough was uncomplicated or straightforward you would not be looking at these lines now. In the book we start with the most basic of braids, the one with 3 strands, and then progressively go up to any number of them, with practical step by step description of the process. The book is eminently visual, illustrated with 541 diagram enhanced...
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